Results and Reports

Innovation to improve food access for Montrealers

2023 Report – Year Four

For this fourth season, Carrefour Solidaire was delighted to transition to a new transactional platform, which allowed the program to achieve unprecedented fluidity. The learnings and changes made from the previous year have strongly reflected in the successes in 2023! To get an overview of the season, you can consult the results here.

2022 Report – Year Three

After three years of operations, and three years of data, the Carrefour solidaire is ready to share its key data, successes and learnings. This third season of the Carte Proximité program brought new partnerships and opportunities, as well as challenges and learning opportunities. The results for the 2022 seasonal program is available here.

2021 Report – Year Two

Carte Proximité’s successful first year allowed us to grow enormously in our second year. The second year was rich in new partnerships, a larger number of people reached, and, of course, new challenges. To learn more about the Carte Proximité, the full report of year two can be consulted here, including the report from the CReSP.

2020 Report – Year One

With this pilot project, the Carrefour solidaire CCA tested and documented the subsidized purchase of local food through a food stamps approach with the Carte Proximité card.

This project took off as the pandemic was taking hold in Quebec, exacerbating the already existing issues of food insecurity. In this context of increased needs and reduced community resources, the project was initiated and implemented.

To learn more about the Carte Proximité, the full results of the first year can be consulted here.